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You will need to provide the information you are required to when completing the online form as requested e.g. given names, surname, date and place of the event.

If you provide the folio number for the record you want, you also need to provide the names of the person as well.

You will also be able to include, in the notes, extra information we may need to know e.g. the names of the parents or spouse for a deceased person.

How can I get beyond the Proceed to Payment on the Order confirmation page of the website?
The problem may be due to the browser you are using, e.g. If you are using IE10 try the following:

  1. Press F12
  2. Select IE10 Compatibility mode from the toolbar this is displayed
  3. Press F12 to make the toolbar disappear
This will put IE10 into a mode that is backward compatible, this means it will work with websites that were written for earlier versions of Internet Explorer

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